Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Effective Ways to Market Yourself in Network Marketing: 7 Tips to Attract Prospects to Yourself

Marketing yourself in network marketing, means positioning yourself as a partner that your prospect will love to work with. What are effective ways to do this?

1. Build Your Confidence And Believe
Ask yourself: Do I belief that I can actually succeed doing this business or do I have doubts? If you are still having doubts, you need to re- evaluate why you are doing this business. Your belief in your business and your success builds your confidence.

2. Develop Your Listening Skills
A good leader must be a good listener. If you listen carefully to your prospects, you'll be able to identify with their needs. You'll be able to know what's missing in their lives as you ask questions to create rich possibilities for them. When they realize you are truly interested in their concerns and see how the opportunity you are presenting to them can help them reach their goals, they will more likely want to work with you.

3. Be Focused And Calm When Prospecting: Do not Pressure Your Prospects
You must be calm, and focused when you contact a prospect. You should not let your prospect sense that you are desperate to sign them on.

4. Have The Right Posture
Posture means the way you approach people. It is about knowing what you are
offering to people and passing that across. It is about not conveying to your
prospects that you are intruding or disturbing them. You want to convey to your
prospects that what you are offering them is a gift to financial independence
and more time with their family.

5. Be Time Conscious When You Prospect
Show to your prospects that you value your time and theirs. Do not give them
the impression that you have all the time in the world, as this will make them
see you as unserious. No one wants to partner with an unserious person. If you
spend hours trying to explain to your prospects the compensation plan, he or she
is probably saying to himself, I can't do this. I don't have the time. I am not
a good speaker. But when you show your prospects easy ways to do this business,
they say to themselves, I can do this, it's easy.

6. Use A System That Can Be Duplicated
Using third party tools really helps here. Do not try to give the message rather be the messenger. That way, you can come up with a system that can easily be duplicated.

7. Learn To Use Scripts
Scripts are great because you know what to say, when and how to say it. Thus you become more confident at prospecting.

As you prospect, always have these tips on your mind, so your prospect will have the proper view of you and your business.

To your success,

Ruth Omenigbo

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